
Skyrim se elemental destruction magic
Skyrim se elemental destruction magic

skyrim se elemental destruction magic

lets say you have max armor, but nothing into magic res, idk what the mini is, but for lydia i think it's 20% and i think 50% frost resist and she's a nord.

skyrim se elemental destruction magic

Originally posted by Nayroy:if i remember right armor is capped at 567 or something like that and i think physical armor is diffeent than magic resistance. Would levelling Destruction or my armor skill do anything? I really have no idea, but this is really stupid and I would just like to get back to playing this great game without so much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

skyrim se elemental destruction magic

What does? I don't have anything with Magic Resistance. How can I fix this? Or, how does magic damage work? Armor rating doesn't seem to mitigate it. I have a few mods installed that fix or patch very minor things about the game that have nothing to do with combat (like werewolf Well-Rested bonus from sleeping), the only major mods I have are the unofficial patches for the main game and all the DLC's. I reloaded, and he bit me 5 or 6 times barely putting a dent in my health. When I beat the main quest line, I saved before the Alduin fight in Sovngarde, he killed me with one burst of his frost breath. It's not just mages, also things like dragons' breath and those stupid soul gems on pedestals that cast spells at you also do this. Wtf? I tried to look up this problem but it looks like noone else gets this, I have played Skyrim on PC and Xbox and this problem also exists with the Xbox version but not nearly this bad.

skyrim se elemental destruction magic

I get killed in two or three shots from fireball or ice storm. For the entire game thus far, enemy NPC mages have been doing ridiculous amounts of damage but now it's even worse. My character is level 60, playing on Legendary difficulty, and he has tricked out dragonscale armor with an armor rating of 1350, I didn't raise it any higher because that is more than enough.

Skyrim se elemental destruction magic